Andrew Rutherford

Andrew Rutherford specializes in forensic accounting and investigations with specific experience in investigating fraud, unethical behavior, corrupt practices and conflicts of interest involving directors and senior company officials for several public and private companies and organizations.

With over 20 years’ experience in professional services Andrew has extensive offshore experience in the financial services industry and investigations involving complex offshore structures. Andrew previously worked with Deloitte in the Cayman Islands and Canada where he specialised in forensic and dispute services.

Andrew has deep experience with U.S. litigation having conducted several multi-jurisdictional funds and asset tracing exercises, often within the context of Chapter 15 bankruptcy proceedings. In April 2023, Andrew testified as a fact witness in a commercial litigation relating to a $250 million Ponzi scheme in the U.S. Federal Court in Miami. The case resulted in a $93 million judgement against a well-known financial institution. His experience also includes assessments of anti-corruption, anti-fraud and anti-money laundering compliance programs and is well-versed in conducting financial analysis and quantification of damages in commercial litigation, investigating allegations of employee embezzlement and undertaking multi-jurisdictional asset tracing.

Andrew also has experience assisting police with obtaining and executing search warrants, interviewing and interrogating witnesses and suspects, collecting evidence, and preparing reports; conducting financial reviews and investigations into financial irregularities in bankruptcies and restructuring of organizations; conducting on-site inspections on behalf of regulators at banks, insurance companies, and other regulated entities; managing court supervised liquidations of various financial services companies including banks, hedge funds, and insurance companies; and conducting financial statement audits for public and private companies in a variety of industries.

Andrew holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Acadia University and is a member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants (CICPA) and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.